November 2023

  • Published On 03rd April 2024

BEST Events – Held @ Shaw Lane Sports Club, Barnsley


For further information the BEST Portal Website can be accessed at


Medicines Management

Shared care and Amber-G guidelines can be found at the following link:  An overview of Shared Care guidelines, including the Principles of Shared Care is available to read here.

Prescribers (including secondary care clinicians) are encouraged to report any problems they experience with shared care or other medicines related issue, particularly where guidelines are not being complied with, to the following email address:

With secondary care opening up activity and undertaking remote consultations, it has been reported that there has been increased pressure in primary care to undertake things they wouldn’t normally.  Due to this, the APC reporting has been temporarily expanded to capture any issues and these can be fed into the APC.  The hospitals need this information so that issues can be addressed.

Practices can now report any interface issues they have, as much as possible, via Barnsley LMC, which will then be submitted to the hospitals.

A list of Prescribing Guidelines is available to view here.

The Barnsley Area Joint Formulary is available to view here.

Medicines Management monthly Newsletters are available to view here.


Workload Shift

Barnsley LMC would like to remind all practices it is important that we receive examples of any workload shift.  Please provide examples of workload shift to in order that these can be taken to the meeting with Secondary Care.


Barnsley LMC would like to inform practices that if there are any examples of workload shift from Sheffield Hospitals they can now be emailed to


Safe working in general practice

The BMA’s England GP committee (GPCE) has generated the following guide to enable practices to prioritise safe patient care, within the present bounds of the GMS contract.


Additional rehabilitation to help stroke recovery

People who have had a stroke and who have continuing impairment or limitations on their activities should be offered additional rehabilitation to help them recover according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). The recommendations are made in NICE’s updated guideline on stroke rehabilitation in adults.  The guideline says that people who have had a stroke should be offered, needs-based rehabilitation for at least three hours a day on at least five days of the week covering a range of multidisciplinary therapy including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy.


Retention in public services

Public sector workforces face problems, from loss of experienced staff to high turnover and vacancies. This report outlines the recent workforce trends and the impact of poor retention on public service performance. This report analyses the causes of high staff exit rates and offer recommendations for overcoming these.


Access to records – Docman/EMIS visibility problems

Communications sent on behalf of Advanced and NHS England:

Patient Visibility /Provisional status update 10th November 2023

Dear Docman User,

We are writing to update you about contacting patients, regarding a specific issue where entries remain as ‘provisional’ in EMIS Web, following review in Docman workflow and are therefore unavailable to patients to view.

A fix for the root cause of the functionality issue has been implemented by Advanced to ensure future documents are not impacted. Collaborative work is being undertaken between NHSE, Advanced and EMIS to implement a subsequent data fix to ensure historic documents do not remain ‘provisional’

NHS England Information Governance team advises that practices do not need to identify and contact individuals concerning this issue. It may be good practice to be transparent about the issue and to take reasonable steps to inform your patients (e.g. by placing a notice on the practice website).

 To support practices who choose to inform patients, we have developed the proposed text below.

If practices wish to obtain further Information Governance advice, they can contact their Data Protection Officer (DPO) or contact the NHS England IG Policy team at

Proposed wording for patients:

Information about software issue that prevents documents from being visible to patients.

We understand that some of our patients may have encountered difficulties viewing certain documents (e.g. letters from the hospital) due to a software problem. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved for new documents being added onto the system. It may take up to a month for older documents to become visible.

Your GP team will have been able to access the letters so your care will not have been affected during this time.


Accelerated Access to Records

Members are asked to promote GPCE’s guidance around Accelerated Access to Records which can be found here

LMC Buying Group                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

A Reminder about LMC Buying Group Membership


The LMC Buying Group helps GP practices save money on products and services they regularly buy. The Buying Group have negotiated excellent discounts on a wide range of products and services from their approved suppliers.

Buying Group membership is completely free and there is no compulsion to use all the suppliers. They do the hard work associated with finding the most competitive suppliers in cost and customer service, so they save you time as well as money on your purchasing!

Although the Buying Group was originally set up to help GP practices save money on the products and services they regularly buy, membership is now also open to GP Federations and Primary Care Networks.

Why use the Buying Group?

  • No membership fees
  • Excellent negotiated discounts from a range of suppliers
  • Quality products and services
  • Free cost analysis for members
  • No need to ‘shop around’ anymore – we’ve done the hard work already!
  • Access to a recruitment platform to advertise your clinical and non-clinical roles for free and a premium ‘Featured Job’ package for a small fee.
  • Access to a community resource hub

If you’re not sure whether you’re a member and/or have access to the Buying Group website (this is where you can view the pricing/discounts and get quotes) then contact the Buying Group team on 0115 979 6910 or .  They can also help you with any questions you might have about your membership or the suppliers.